Hunting season 2011 has opened, and Brent was the first one out of the gate to shoot something. This is his first year hunting, so he was very excited to have killed something.
I was next! Although I can't claim I "hunted" this guy down, he did die because of me, so it counts! Driving home from picking up Ryann, with all the girls in my car with me, we hit this big guy. Airbags went off, but no one was hurt. A shaky call to Arlen at work, and he came home to help take care of my mess.
Hunting, this picture was taken the afternoon I shot my little doe.
A few days after my roadkill came home with us, I shot this little doe, with my bow, from the tall stand. It was a very happy moment when we found my bloody arrow in the ground, as I thought I had missed her! As of yet, my deer are the only meat in the freezer, but the season isn't over yet!!
This was the worst part! I don't mind blood, but the smell of a gut shot almost made me sick :(
Elena is really into hunting this year, but isn't strong enough to pull back a bow, so Arlen took her out during youth shotgun season. Getting up early to sit quietly in the woods is hard, but she had Dad to watch for deer so she would catch a quick nap.
Elena and I, opening day in my double stand. We saw 3 does, but couldn't get a shot at any of them.