Thursday, October 21, 2010

Beautiful birds

Sorry for the picture quality, but we got all the birds in the run and they love it. Open the door first thing in the morning and its like a chicken explosion coming out of there. No eggs yet, they are still getting used to their nesting boxes. Those white-faced evil lookingbirds are my guineas, they roost right on the fence railing most nights. I have ten of them and they just roam around the yard eating spiders, ticks, and any other annoyance you can think of. They even fly after wasps and catch them in the air. Pretty awesome birds, I think I like them more than dogs.


  1. Some good looking digs those birds have. I'm still glad we've just got four chickens, but I hope they survive the winter well. Thanks for the posts, looks like all is going very well, well except that "tan" looks a bit red to me.
    Take care! Hello to your sweet girls!

  2. Loved seeing the new furniture arrangement....a son after my own heart:)

    The birds are so those guineas!
    Love, Mom

  3. I didn't know you have guineas! We had 5, but two have since been snatched up by the coyotes or foxes . . . no that's not true . . . one did, the other got itself stuck in a "live" trap and died! :) I hated our guineas at first, but one whole summer with only two ticks! That's amazing! And now, if all my "ladies" aka guineas were to suddenly disappear, I don't know what I'd do! I love them!
