Monday, December 6, 2010

December has arrived

The first week after Thanksgiving is our "gun" season and I tried to make an honest effort to get out. I remain deerless, maybe it's just not meant to be this year.
This is Matt and Angel, my neighbors, cuddled up in a tree stand. It was her first time out, I think she enjoyed herself.....
This picture of the house was taken this morning as I pulled out. We got enough snow for school to be delayed two hours. Hopefully it stays through the winter. The kids will have the sleds out this afternoon I am sure.
PJ is getting into the spirit of the hunt; playing with some mini buck antlers from a "culled" deer last year. She tried to put them onto the dog and the cats, none were very appreciative.
I spent yesterday cleaning out my shop and getting the ping pongtable back out. It's my winter time cardio program and I have to get practiced up to beat dad again in a few weeks. The workers come Friday night, my folks the following weekend, Heather the following weekend, and Brice a few days later. Thats a lot of trips to Columbus, but it's all for a good cause.
Hope all is well with everyone and don't be afraid to climb that tree like Zacheous. Sometimes thats what it takes to see above the noise and tumult.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are getting some time in the woods . . . I shot my first deer ever this year, last Wednesday . . .a nice 4x4 buck! :) Then I shot another on Saturday, but we never found it. :( Tracked it for miles. That's part of hunting . . . luckily, we have a super long season, so I am hoping to get another deer or two for the freezer! This feeding four kids (not even teenagers yet) thing is getting spendy! Happy Hunting to you . . . stay warm! No snow here yet, but temps that make it seem we should! Merry Christmas! Enjoy having your friends and family so close this holiday season!
