Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am in no mood for drama

I want to start this out by saying I am so thankful for the support that has been shown to my family this past year and especially these past few months. There has been so many kind words of encouragement and blessings from family and friends alike. This picture was taken around our 9th anniversary in WA state. Jess, I will love you forever.
Now to the meat of the post:
Seems as if there is a lot of behind the scenes chit-chat about what is going on on Ramey Ridge and although many of you have never been here or maybe have never even met me, I seem to be catching on to some disturbing conversation. I suppose there is some speculation and wondering (which is normal I think) about what the future holds for my little family. Truth is, I don't know either and if I try to recall what I did last time I was going through this situation I hit a brick wall, 'cause guess what!? I've never been here before! I've never had to choose which watch to keep; the one I gave Jess for our anniversary, or the one the girls might like to wear someday, or the one that still has an operating battery? I've never had to consider where to keep Jess' sketches and where to send Paige for daycare and how can I work 40 hour weeks and still be a good,single, struggling father. Will I ever get married again and will I choose right the way I did the first time and is there even a woman out there who would be willing to jump into a ready made family? And yet, on top of these mind boggling questions I hear through the wind that there are people out there who have a pre-conceived idea about what I should or shouldn't be doing, or who I should or shouldn't be talking to, or what I should or shouldn't be spending my time doing. As if anyone else has a clue! At this point, I am only ready to take advice from my a very select few, those that have suffered through this experience and can help shed some light on my darkness. For all the nay-sayers out there I politely ask to mind your own business and just leave these things in God's hands as I am trying to do. He is the only one that knows what part I have in His plan and I would really appreciate all those "helpy-helperton's" out there who think they have something to say or think they are protecting someone to please find some peace in knowing that in my house, we will serve the Lord. He has helped me so much through these months and I trust He will continue to show me where to turn.

To my own family, thank you for respecting my space and although we are spread abroad, I feel the bond that ties us and value your love. Our family extends from South Carolina to Alaska, from Ohio to Australia, from San Diego to Iowa, Idaho to Minnesota. May each in our place serve faithfully in the place we have been given.


  1. amen!! you have your head on straight!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amen, people always seem to have something to say and its not always right. You will know what is best for you and your girls. Good days to you all at your pretty place!

  4. We have always stood behind you and we continue to do so.
    Love, Mom and Dad

  5. Hi Arlen,
    Just wanted to say the portion of the hymn, "My service is unto Thee" came to mind when I read your post. I can't pretend to know what you are going through, our sympathy to you. We have had our own struggle this past year,where Shawn and I were sort of persecuted for our faith by one that claimed to be our friend. We've found great peace in keeping on, as I am sure you will too! Glad this is an individual walk before God, and that we can trust God to lead us and teach us how to choose those things in life we are pretty much clueless about.
    Love in Him,

  6. Absolutely! Keep it up. :-D

  7. I love that picture of you and Jess.

  8. You are amazing. Your girls are lucky to have a dad who cares to have life move on . . . even if it's hard. You are keeping them busy, and yourself busy. You are loving and caring and fully invested in them. Just do what you do, and don't mind the rest.

    God is faithful always.

  9. Miss you dude. Hopefully it's not another 5 years before we can catch up. Also, about ur post - keep doin what ur doin and being who u are because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind.

  10. We miss you all and are glad to see the progress on the cabin and your garden! We have faith that you will seek God's will in all you do. His plan is better than any that man can think of! You are wise not to rush into making any major decisions right away. His plan will become clear in His time. Love you and trust you will make great choices for your family. Mom 2 and Dad 2

  11. As our niece's son-we are sorry that because of
    the miles between that we haven't had a chance
    to get to know you since you were a teen ager.
    But believe me we have followed your situation
    for the past year very closely and our hearts
    have ached for you and even shed some tears for
    you and your family.
    Please don't worry about what other may think
    or say. We have faith in you - that you will
    seek God's guidance and faith that He will guide you.
    Your great uncle Dennis and Ernestine
