Friday, July 23, 2010

Today the sun is shining

OK, enough of the dreary posts, y'all are gonna think I am just a hateful person. Summer just got here it seems and already we are gearing up for convention and getting the kids back to school. Aug 17th! I know! Early start this year. That means I will move to my daystaff position earlier than I thought. No big deal, the kids and I have worked out a schedule enabling me to manage school, daycare and work all at the same time. Only problem I can foresee: cooking! I am so bad at preparing meals, I could burn orange juice. The four of us will figure it out and I always have Clyde to clean up the stuff not fit for human consumption. Everyone is pretty wore out from a busy week. Luckily I have a job so I can go and relax. =)


  1. Crock pot! That's all I have to say . . . throw some meat and veggies in there, and by the end of the day, it's usually quite good! :) Venison roasts are great in there too! Some garlic and pepper (or whatever seasonings you like). Yummy! You can totally do this!

  2. Grill! You just about can't go wrong there!
