Monday, July 19, 2010

Will the drama never end?

So, what an interesting weekend! I got to make a flash trip to Iowa of all places to pick up some friends who had a loss of vehicle casualty while coming coast to coast. What a place to be stranded, unless of course you REALLY like corn fields. HAHA Well, picked them up, brought them as far as Ohio and working on getting them home to upstate NY. Thats the premise of this story and really, it is all people should care about. Sadly, there are quite a few folks who feel as though this was... I don't know, wrong, or inappropriate, or whatever. Apparently, men with a week off should not go on overnight rescue missions and women who are stranded should not have male friends who are wiling to pick them up and help them out. So, is chivalry actually dead or are we just supposed to be so independent that asking for help is out of the question?

I think life is so full of twists and turns that having close friends is one of the things that helps our sanity stay intact. We all went to Sunday morning meeting yesterday and yet within an hour the phone was ringing off the hook voicing disapproval of the situation; as if a dead car was planned, as if there were an easier option, as if they should not have called and I should not have offered assistance. Bottom line: Somebody's business still remains their own business, and everyone else's opinion and meddling does not belong ANYWHERE in the situation. I wish people could understand this because someday they too will experience a difficult situation and have to make choices that are less than desirable and wouldn't it be nice to have a friend to call who would be willing to help out? Those people out there who feel offended by this post, I am sorry for any hard feelings that exist and I hope that all of this blows over soon.

The kids and I have enough to deal with without having people feel that I am making wrong choices. As a man, I feel it is my duty to help out wherever I can. I am able and willing, I wish we all were.

Today is beautiful here and I will relax on the tractor for a few hours. Please, if you are someone who feels connected somehow to this situation and really aren't, just stop and think about the results in people's lives that can come from meddling and gossiping behind their back. Just leave it alone, please, so the rest of us can move on without the baggage and the hard feelings. It is getting difficult to keep a right spirit knowing people who once were your friends are now so judgmental and opinionated. If the shoe doesn't fit you, if you are not here right now, if you only heard the story through the grapevine and especially if I have never met you, try to find something in your own lives to be judgmental about.

Where a few of His own are gathered together, that is where His Spirit will be. Take care, Arlen


  1. With all you're going thru reminded me of some notes i read recently about the palm tree. In order for the fruit from the tree to feed the people it needs to be brought down so others can feed off it. Our spirit in times of distress can feed those around us because we've been brought low. The fruit at that time can feed a lot more people because of being brought low and is reachable and, as a palm tree, when that time of feeding is over you can spring up tall and strong once again. Hope that made sense! Take care Arlene. You and the girls are in our thoughts and prayers. Aleta and family

  2. I'm happy to know you have your dad's chivalry in your blood. I've learned the difficult way a good man is hard to come by these days!

  3. it is my humble opinion that all or substantially all of the world's conflicts stem from differences of opinion and the fact that those human beings that do not have the capacity to realize that there are other ways to think that are just as, if not more rational, reasonable, and justifiable than their own feel the need to impress upon others their views and will not accept dissonance under any circumstances. i enjoy reading your blog, Arlen. it makes me think. and it actually inspired me to create my own! take care man. hope you're doing well.

  4. We heard at Manhattan convention that we should focus on driving our own car instead of trying to drive the other guy's! Seems appropriate for this post :-)


  5. You haven't changed . . . not in 13+ years . . . you'd have done that in high school, why should that change? (It shouldn't!) As far as chivalry goes . . . it's not dead in you. I'm glad to know that if we're ever stranded in or near Ohio, we have someone to call! :)

  6. Tractor therapy - helps my husband too. :-)

  7. A flag is most beautiful when blowing in the winds of a storm. Keeping that banner of Christ flying high no matter what life throws at you is whats truly important, and when we are struggling the most, battling the hardest storm, thats when others will be admiring that banner we are upholding.
